Saturday 22 March 2014

Light and Shadows

Wherever there is light, one can photograph.”
                      – Alfred Stieglitz

 It is pretty obvious that a person is totally dependent on light when it comes to photography. It is kind of normal thing for a photographer. After all without light, there would be no photography. Light is the only source that can be easily exploited by a photographer with any camera to produce a beautiful picture. With light, a photographer will always find a shadow following close behind; ignoring the fact that light is what makes the photo possible. Exploring the quality and direction of light differentiate between a good and a great photo. When playing with light in day to day images, finding how light interacts with the subject, which quite often means watching for, and incorporating shadows. This is why Professional photographers invest more on lighting equipment than the average person spends on cameras in a lifetime.

In our daily life, we see shadow along with light. Shadow is a part of good photography. Without shadows, photographs will have no meaning. Many say that the shadow is the absence of light. Well that is true, because the object that blocks the light forms a shadow. But in photography, shadow is a black reflection of the subject we are focusing. Light and shadows, when work together, create a beautiful visual. When it comes to elevating everyday subjects into an art form, shadow can be just the visual element to help you do it. Using your subject's shadow, or even a shadow casting from something nearby, you are allowing it to share the stage with the light. Shadows can be mysterious, exaggerated, or quite frank; and using them in the right manner can make some pretty fun and unique images. Light and Shadows, both work together as a team. You cannot have one without the other therefore always keep your eyes open for both in order to produce something extra ordinary.

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